Organization name
Metro Work Center, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Health , Community
2730 East 31st StreetMinneapolis, MN 55406
METRO WORK CENTER, INC. provides employment opportunities, life skill development support, community integration, and leisure and recreation activities on an individualized basis to adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and related conditions. By providing our services and client opportunities, we support independence, enhance participant self-esteem, and promote participation with others in the community.
Our programs for working adults and seniors are based on 50 years of experience serving persons with intellectual disabilities. Metro Work Center, Inc. provides flexible programming designed to meet the needs of each individual. With our staff to individual ratio of less than one to five, the individual always comes first.
"Maryanne spent her early years in a state institution housing over 2,000 patients at its peak. The hospital was sued because its improper care, treatment, conditions and training “did not meet constitutional standards.” In search of a safe healthy alternative, Maryanne’s family found the programming at Metro Work Center offered the focused, individualized opportunities to positively meet her personal goals. “Her progress has been amazing!”"
Most individuals served at Metro Work Center, Inc. want to participate in some type of work activity. They may work independently for employers in the community at work locations or on sub-contract jobs on our site. These individuals are supported by our staff wherever needed.
"Donna has been working at Mt. Olivet Careview Home for several years. Metro Work Center found a job that matched her skills and interests, provided on-site training and provides ongoing occasional support over the years to help her be successful on the job. Donna experiences good wages, connections with co-workers and increased independence and self-esteem."
"Richard works on a variety of projects at the Metro Work Center site, including a mailing job he particularly enjoys. His health greatly affects his mobility and strength. With the help of a modified work station, Richard is able to complete the work independently while earning his wages."
A variety of options are available to our individuals, depending on their interests and abilities.
"Nancy is past what would be considered the traditional retirement age. She is ready to transition from work to other pursuits. Metro Work Center’s ongoing support provides her an opportunity to continue to participate in group and individual activities and gather with friends. Her favorite activity is the Wednesday morning Women’s Club which features a good time with good company and, of course, refreshments!"
"Tony likes to work but he also likes to get out in the community. As an avid Twins baseball fan, he particularly likes to join his friends taking a light rail trip for an afternoon at the ballpark."
Our non-employment activities are designed to meet the needs of adults and seniors during non-working hours. For these times, we offer individual and group activities that include club meetings (Men’s, Women’s, Music, Art, Exercise, etc.), arts and craft work, games, puzzles, and other activities of interest.
Community activities are always part of our weekly schedule. Walking trips to local retail and dining locations are commonplace. Located on a bus route and near the light rail line, we often visit sites outside the immediate neighborhood. Como Zoo, the State Fair, parks, Twins games, museums, MOA, apple orchards, and the library top the list! Metro Work Center continues to provide quality programming options designed around person-centered planning.
To learn more about Metro Work Center, please visit our website at or call us at 612-729-7381.
Your donation to Metro Work Center helps us continue to provide meaningful programming for the community of adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities we serve. Your contribution will help make a positive difference in others' lives.
To make an on-line investment in quality programming for the community of persons with intellectual disabilities, click on the “Donate” button on this page.
If you are interested in making an in-kind contribution of goods or services, please call us at 612-729-7381 to discuss our current needs. We always welcome your calls to discuss our program and how working together we can meet our individuals' needs.
We currently have openings, if you or someone you know could benefit from Metro Work Center, Inc.'s services please give us a call to setup a tour 612-729-7381.
Thank you for partnering with Metro Work Center, Inc.
Organization name
Metro Work Center, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Health , Community
2730 East 31st Street